Sustainability Policy

Dune Bleue, Lda is a company that creates, develops and sells socks, with a particular focus on technical socks, as well as underwear. Its wide profile of socks includes eleven different families, namely: Outdoor, Hiking, Elegant, casual, Sport, Hunting, Fishing, home and Ecological.

Dun blue offers high quality article, thanks to the winning combination between its know-how and the long-standing trust established with its partners. Dune bleue has implemented a management system which is based on the following premises:


  • Develop technical and personalized, responding to requirements and need specific to each client.
  •  Work towards continuous improvement of the organization’s performance, responding to needs and expectations of employees’ suppliers and other interested parties.
  • Act quickly in responding to customer requests, demonstrating availability and flexibility.
  • Establish true partnership with suppliers and subcontractor with a view to obtaining the highest quality standards, from raw materials to the final product.


  • Protect the environment, including preventing pollution and preserving biodiversity.
  • Promote the adoption of necessary measures to protect the environment and carry out all activities encouraging good environmental management practices and the sustainable use of resources, whether internally or by suppliers and subcontractor
  • Establish and periodically review environmental principles objectives and targets, to ensure sustainable development and continuous improvement.
  • Reduce waste production, promoting reuse, selection and recycling, giving them more sustainable final destinations.
  • Raise awareness and continually train employees, suppliers and partners so that they exercise the best environmental practices in their role


  • Ensure employees have a safe healthy work environment
  • Comply with health and safety standards and promote, among suppliers and subcontractors, the implementing of a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Prevent the occurrence of injuries and damage to the health of employees and minimize the significant risk identified.
  • Develop the team’s individual skills with a view to the correct exercise of the respective security responsibilities
  • Promote consultation, participation, communication and involvement of employees in matters of safety and health at work


  • Child labour: do not use or admit the use of child labour, that is, employees under 16 years old
  • Forces and compulsory labour: do not use or admit forced or compulsory labour, whether through physical imposition, threats or other forced methods, without making any type of pressure or retention of identification documents
  • Freedom of association: recognize and respect employees right to freedom of association and representation, according to your wishes expressed freely and without pressure.
  • non- Discrimination censor all forms and practices of discrimination in your partners and towards its partners and collaborator, depending on race, colour, sex, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin, political affiliation or religion
  • Disciplinary practices: ensure that your employees respect their dignity and disapprove any type of physical, sexual psychological or verbal abuse or harassment
  • Working hours: ensure compliance with working hours and remuneration of extra hours in accordance with applicable legislation promoting and encouraging its suppliers and subcontractors in compliance with current legislation
  • Remuneration: Recognizing that salary is essential for satisfying the basic needs of employees and ensure all legally established remuneration requiring their suppliers and subcontractors, fair remuneration and in accordance with current legislation.
  • Surrounding community: making a commitment to support social and educational initiatives and environmental, promoted internally or in partnerships with external institutions leading to a fairer society and fostering closeness to the surrounding community.

Legal requirements

  • Comply with current legislation and other compliance obligations applicable to Dune Bleue company´s activity, including terms of environment safety and health at work and social responsibility.